Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 28- Helmet or no helmet?

Day 28- Helmet or no helmet?

I’d be a liar if I said I wore a helmet every single time I rode a horse. At my old barn it was the law. You wore a helmet no matter who you were or what horse you were riding. And, although few and far between, each time I’ve taken a spill I’ve been lucky enough to be wearing a helmet. But for some reason I seem to think I’m safe when I go out trail riding in my western saddle and don’t need a helmet. I seem to think nothing will happen to me. In all actuality trail riding is probably when I’d need my helmet the most!

Maybe it’s just an “image” thing that I’ve have hardwired into me. Back from when I used to roam with the rodeo crowd. They never wore helmets when they rode and I didn’t want to be the “loser” with the helmet on. I’m actually pretty sure they wouldn’t care if I did or didn’t but I just didn’t want to look weird to them.

When I went out trail riding at hubby’s place with him and his cousin, I didn’t wear my helmet even though I was riding a horse I’d never ridden before that was known to buck “sometimes”.

But I’m an idiot and I know it! I do try to wear my helmet as often as possible. I certainly always wear it when jumping. But I’m gonna try to wear it a lot more! I have worn one every time in the last 2 years I’ve ridden I’m gonna try to continue!


  1. Good plan! I never, ever, ever, ever, ever (you get the idea) go without a helmet - I've fallen a lot of times in my life and a helmet has on occasion made a difference - that's enough for me. Just do it.

  2. I agree with Kate! I have fallen twice off my big guy and bumped my head both times. I can't even imaging getting on a horse without one.....sort of like doing your seat belt up when you get in a car. Please wear one! :-)
