11 Random facts about me.
I was born and raised in Northern, Manitoba. As
in, I’ve gone out to see Polar Bears in their natural habitat for a family trip,
THAT northern Manitoba. PS polar bears love garbage dumps!
After high school I was a foreign exchange
student in Lidingo, Sweden. The only Swedish I learned was how to order a beer in Swedish,
that’s about it.
I’m pretty passionate about being an “ag-vocate”
(dorky I know). Agriculture is not only important to just me, but it is
important to entire world. A lot of people don’t realize that. I have a dozen
drafts of blog posts about agriculture, but really don’t want to upset people,
so I don’t publish them.
I love history. Especially the history of people
coming into North Dakota.
I am a
sucker for really dumb horse movies. Anything with a troubled youth, moving to
her grandpa’s/estranged father’s/cousins ranch to train and gain the trust of a
rescued lower level claiming racehorse and turn it into a Kentucky Derby winner,
I’m in!
I am completely overwhelmed with all of my
projects at home and I have a hard time asking for help with them.
I hate shopping malls, and prefer thrift stores
and antique stores. I want to cry when shopping at the mall.
There is nowhere in the world I’d rather live
than North Dakota.
I was in a sorority when I was in college. Kappa
Alpha Theta. “We’re the K-A-T’s we’re the best in the land, and you’ll know us
where ever you go!....” Okay I’m done singing now…
10. I
have a very, very strange sense of humor. It can be very dry and some people
don’t quite get it right away. But people that do think I am hilarious. I am
sarcastic too and it sometimes gets me into trouble.
11. I’d
love a time machine to go back to random times if even just for a day
P.S. I did a lot of copying and pasting for this post so please excuse the fact that everying is a different font...
11 Questions from Karley
1. What would your ideal last meal be? Steak and potatoes. There isn’t a better food!
2. Ideal riding outfit? Full seat breeches, comfy boots, and a polo that matches my saddle pad…I’m a dork.
3. If you could go anywhere, all expenses paid- where would you go? Stockholm, Sweden. I LOVE it there!
4. What are your top 3 musts for a boarding facility? Safe, clean, no drama.
5. What one beverage can't you live without? Kickstart!
6. Dream car? Psssht…car….My dream ride is a big ol Ram Pickup truck!
7. Where do you want to go with your riding? I’d like to just be able to be confident in the saddle. If I was more confident I could go anywhere I wanted!
8. Where do you shop the most for real clothes? Thrift shops.
9. What do you do to calm your nerves at horse shows? Wine. Kidding. I don’t calm down, I am just a nervous ball of energy the whole time.
10. Favorite bathing products? for the horses? What’s bathing? I have a pasture full of dirtballs. Jk. I love the cowboy magic products.
11. If you could pick 2 horses off http://www.bigeq.com/ which would they be? this one http://www.bigeq.com/p-Show_of_Approval-American_Thoroughbred-Hunter-10531.php
1. What would your ideal last meal be? Steak and potatoes. There isn’t a better food!
2. Ideal riding outfit? Full seat breeches, comfy boots, and a polo that matches my saddle pad…I’m a dork.
3. If you could go anywhere, all expenses paid- where would you go? Stockholm, Sweden. I LOVE it there!
4. What are your top 3 musts for a boarding facility? Safe, clean, no drama.
5. What one beverage can't you live without? Kickstart!
6. Dream car? Psssht…car….My dream ride is a big ol Ram Pickup truck!
7. Where do you want to go with your riding? I’d like to just be able to be confident in the saddle. If I was more confident I could go anywhere I wanted!
8. Where do you shop the most for real clothes? Thrift shops.
9. What do you do to calm your nerves at horse shows? Wine. Kidding. I don’t calm down, I am just a nervous ball of energy the whole time.
10. Favorite bathing products? for the horses? What’s bathing? I have a pasture full of dirtballs. Jk. I love the cowboy magic products.
11. If you could pick 2 horses off http://www.bigeq.com/ which would they be? this one http://www.bigeq.com/p-Show_of_Approval-American_Thoroughbred-Hunter-10531.php
And this one
11 questions from Kalin
- How long have you
owned/leased your horse/s? – I’ve officially owned George since May 12th. We bought George
last April and My husband has owned Duke for like 8 years.
- If you were going to be
trapped on an island with only three things, what would you take? a swiss army knife or leatherman tool, a big
tarp, and a survivalist guide.
- What kind of saddle do
you use? 8 times out of
10 I am riding in my Circle Y trail saddle.
- English or Western? I prefer English. My western saddle just isn’t
that comfortable…but everyone says I need to ride in a ‘normal’ saddle
when I ride with them. Dumb…but you gotta pick your battles…
- When you aren't riding,
what do you like to do? I like to play games on my phone or computer. I really, really miss
playing the Sims 3. Like really miss it.
- Is your family
supportive of your riding? They are now.
- Favorite food &
drink? Potatoes of any
kind and milk
- What breed is your
horse? Thoroughbred
and then we have two horses of questionable lineage, but I’m sure they are
part quarter horse.
- Favorite horse-related
movie? The Horse in
the Gray Flannel Suit
- What is your favorite
animal other than a horse? Dog
- Favorite song? Currently I am obsessed with “Redneck Crazy” By
Tyler Farr. Like mad, crazy, obsessed.
11 questions from Niamh
your biggest fear as a rider? *I feel like I don't trust people who say
"nothing". I have a fear of getting hurt. Which I think is why I would stick to safe
horses and never go faster than I was comfortable with. I think this is why George
scares me because he is out of my comfort zone…but I am excited to ride him…weird.
your favorite rider and why? I don’t really follow any riders. I
follow my blog friend riders and their progress. So I will pick them as my
favorite rider, because they are all so different and knowledgeable!
the most useful piece of advice someone's given you as a horse owner? Don't be stupid.
old were you when you got your first horse? I was 24 I think, when I got Yellow
for my Birthday.
Badminton, or Rolex? Rolex
you're trapped on a desert island, what three things do you bring? Haha trick question. I hate the water and
would never get into the situation where I’d be trapped on an island! But I
would bring a backpack full of survival tools, a survivalist, and my glasses.
you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead, famous or not) who would it
be? This answer will blow your mind…. I would have dinner with myself BUT not
my current self, my 16 year old self. I would tell her all kinds of things that
would help her in her adult life. And I’d tell her not to worry about small
things and that things could get worse. I’d also tell her that her ‘best
friends’ will only be ‘friends’ (if that) in the future life won’t always
revolve around them…Also I’d tell her to go take dog sled lessons…
guilty pleasure? I love The Sims 3 I said that already. But I haven’t
played it in a long time because I get sucked into that world and neglect everything
around me. God I miss it!
me three things on your bucket list. Gallop a thoroughbred (yep, still haven’t done
that and I’ve owned them) Go to the Kentucky Derby, meet some of my blog
you could ride any well-known horse who would it be and why? Ummmm I don’t know
any well-know horses, and chances are if I knew of one, it would be WAY more
horse than I could handle!
you rather: Ride without stirrups for the rest of your life OR have one arm
tied behind your back at all times? Ride without stirrups. Imagine how
amazing my legs would look…
I'm so excited that you put The Horse in The Grey Flannel Suit for your movie:)
ReplyDeleteGeorge's show name is going to be "Aspercel" :-)