Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Bucking Song (and a little update)

This song makes me giggle! Mostly because it reminds me of a little mare I used to know. 

I haven't had much to write about these days. I've got no horse and i've got no house. It's been a month since the last time I've seen Piney. A MONTH! The farm hunting has been a mess. I mean i'm not compltely homeless. We still have our town house but it's starting to sufficate me. My dogs hate the neigbours dogs and there are 3 on the north side, 2 on the south side and 3-4 on the west side. Every time they go out it sounds like there is a dog fighting ring in my back yard. I want to let them out and have them go about their business and then come in. Not me having to pry them away from the fence each time.
We went and looked at a house on Tuesday. It was about 20 miles from town. It was on 7 acres but it had no pasture and no barn. There was a chicken coop and a little old grainery or mini barn that had been used as a shop. I think the mini shop could be used as a little run in shelter for the horses and there was a large grassy area that could be fenced off along with the rest of the property after we cleared out some brush and trees. The house was kind of adorable but small. It was an old old farmhouse that had an addition added on. The old part of the house was pretty charming and had really old hardwood flooring and the kitchen was pretty cute. But the problem is that there was alot of unfinished work in the house. In the additon I don't think there was any trim work done.If they accepted a much lower offer I think we might look into buying it. But who knows! 
Tonight after work I am headed to WeFest its the countrys largest country music festival. It's a blast! Someone asked me last weekend how many wefests I've been to and I wasn't sure. I sat down last night and figured I've been to almost 15! That means that i've basically been going every year since I was 15! Now I haven't really gone every year since I was 15. I've gone a few years with my mother when I was younger. When I was younger I was there to enjoy the music. As I got older I realized that The party was just as much fun as the music! I remember going with my mother when I was about 18 and she said "I'm getting to old for this" and I said "I'm getting to be just the right age for this!" The hubby and I decided not to camp this year. I've camped for the last 3 years. But It just gets to be too much partying and not enough sleep. So we are staying at my summer home which is about 5 miles from he concert site. I can't wait to get there tonight! A lot of our friends are camping there so they got there yesterday morning. They have been posting on facebook how much fun they are having. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous...

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the song! The WeFest sounds like a total blast!
