Friday, October 18, 2013

So this happened today...

I came home to find this happening...
My husband taught George to self load. I couldn't be happier. Especially since when we picked up George for the first time, loading him involved treats, then a rope halter, and then a stud chain, and then tranquilizer, and then finally a cattle crowding tub. My trailer anxiety really hindered my ability to work on trailer loading with him this summer. I get some progress and then a tiny thing goes wrong and I get freaked out. I gotta work on my trailer loading before I can work on the monsters. 
I am happy. 
George... Well he is not impressed that he got outsmarted.
He's a good boy. 


  1. Very good! I have trailer anxiety myself, and need to be working on that . . .

    1. It's just so scary. Before I got hurt, I was a champ about loading and un loading... now I'm a big wimp!

  2. That's awesome!! My horse literally begs to be trailered. LOL. We were riding in the pasture with the trailers and left the doors open, he literally went straight in with me on him. Lol!!! He loves it!

    1. NICE! With George and Piney, two horses that were probably trailered more than any other horse I've ever ridden, they both hated the trailer. Like HATED. I don't know how I got so lucky to find two horses that dispise the trailer as much as those two creeps ;-)

  3. Way cool! By the way, you have been awarded the Sunshine Award. Check it out here:

  4. Replies
    1. I asked if this meant he was taking George to the auction next week... He laughed... I still don't know if he was serious or not ;-)
